treeThe 2nd AsiaEvo Conference
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Symposium 9: The evolution of nervous systems and behaviors
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Symposium proposal
Organizer: Yun Ding (University of Pennsylvania)
How complex traits arise and evolve is a fundamental question in biology, with behavioral traits being among the most mysterious. The past few decades have revolutionized our understanding of the genetic and neuronal basis of animal behaviors through the rapid advancement of new tools and discoveries. However, we know extremely little about how evolutionary processes modify the genomes and sculpt the nervous systems to give rise to the extraordinary diversity of animal behavior observed in nature. The integration of genetics, development, and evolution gave rise to the field of Evolutionary development (Evo-Devo) that has revolutionized our understanding of morphological evolution. We feel that a functional synthesis of behavioral evolution by integrating genetics and neurobiology is timely and a specific discussion of this topic will provide exciting insights into this growing area of evolutionary biology.

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