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Greetings from the meeting chairman

Chairman The upcoming Tokyo meeting will be held at the Komaba campus of the University of Tokyo, August 22-24, 2008, with the aid of the faculty members of Sokendai and the University of Tokyo, as informed at the last meeting. The year 2008 is special, as it is the 10th year since the establishment of our society and the 40th year since the proposal of neutral theory of molecular evolution by Dr. Motoo Kimura. To celebrate this memorable year, we are scheduling international symposia, workshops, summer schools, and poster&oral presentations.

For the meeting, we plan to invite eminent speakers from all over the world. For commemorating the 40th year of the neutral theory of molecular evolution, we asked much-involved scientists, i.e., Drs. William B. Provine from Cornell University, Tomoko Ohta from the National Institute of Genetics, and Masatoshi Nei from Penn State University to give us lectures in one symposium. In addtion to symposia and workshops, oral and poster presentations are organized for young students and researchers to present their research results. We encourage young students and researchers to take advantage of this opportunity. Meeting information, including registration and abstract submission, will be posted as soon as determined and please check here occasionally for updates. If you have any suggestion and/or opinions about the meeting, please contact with the meeting organizers. We will try our best to organize the meeting reflecting wills of society members as much as possible.
The graduate university for advanced studies
Naoyuki Takahata

Meeting organizers
ChairmanNaoyuki Takahata
Co-chairsToshikazu Hasegawa/Akira Sasaki
Yoko Satta/Mineyo Iwase/Tatsuya Ota/Koichiro Tamura/Masayo Soma/Motomi Ito/Masakazu Shimada/Hideyuki Tanabe/Nobuyuki Kutsukake

Previous meetings
1st annual meetingKyoto (in Japanese)
4th annual meetingTokyo
6th annual meetingTokyo (in Japanese)
7th annual meetingSendai
8th annual meetingTokyo
9th annual meetingKyoto (in Japanese)