treeThe 2nd AsiaEvo Conference
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Symposium 24: Evolution of protists
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Symposium proposal
Organizer: Wei Miao (Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Co-organizer: Jie Xiong (Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Life on our planet appears to be dominated by higher plants and animals. Yet most of the clades in the eukaryotic tree belong to protists, a diverse collection of primarily microscopic and unicellular eukaryotes. Protists represent in excess of 100,000 species and generally fall into three categories, including the animal-like protists (also called protozoa), plant-like protists (algae), and fungi-like protists, and they may also represent the ancestors of modern-day animals, plants, and fungi. Protists exist in foliage, grass, soil, ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans, and some extreme environments. They can also be pathogens or endosymbionts of animals and plants. Therefore, they have developed specialized cell structures, organelles, pathways, and genes that adapt to their habitats. We propose a symposium on evolution of protists. Three speakers were invited to give talks. Dr. Laura A. Katz (Smith College, US) will introduce the genomics and evolution of microbial eukaryotes. Dr. Ryoma Kamikawa (Kyoto University,Japan) will introduce the diversity and evolution of eukaryotic algae. Dr. Jing Yuan (Xiamen University, China) will introduce the adaptive evolution of plasmodium.

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